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Solidariteit : van warm naar koud

26 Oct

Solidariteit, die de rode draad van de webdocumentaire zal zijn, is een waarde waarin men nog sterk gelooft in onze samenleving.

Uitmaken op welke manier deze solidariteit tot uiting komt is wel een andere kwestie. Ondoordringbare mechanismen van de sociale zekerheid, technische reglementeringen, instellingen van « koude » solidariteit, … allemaal uitdagingen voor de solidariteit.

Aan de andere kant hebben we een meer aangename « warme solidariteit », waarbij het hart meer op de voorgrond treedt: burgerinitiatieven, verenigingen, sociale economie, bijstand, gezinshulp, ondersteuning van kansarmen, …

Werkzaam bij de sociale zekerheid, waarbij ik mij op de koop toe bezighoud met Europese kwesties, stel ik niettemin vast dat we iets meer in de kou zitten … en soms in de mist. Maar het komt er in feite op aan goed te begrijpen dat al deze uitingen van solidariteit elkaar  aanvullen, en dat ze samen deze « sociale mantel » vormen die ons warm houdt.

We need a “social” fashion designer

10 Oct

All is in the flyer, spread it…

During the Social Mermaid Presidency : social services under pressure

8 Aug

European Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs discussed the situation of the social services in Europe during an informal meeting in Denmark. The 24th and 25th of April, the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union organised an informal meeting for the Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs. Hot topics were discussed on the first day of the meeting: crisis and the demographic challenge of the coming decades.

An exchange of view between Member States on ensuring a future supply of high quality social services for all citizens…

Several aspects of the situation of the social services were highlighted. Their crucial role  in times of economic recessions was particularly underlined, “as they continue to provide protection and services not only to the most vulnerable but to the whole population and they are regarded useful economic stabilisers helping to maintain supply capacity”.

If many speakers expressed the need of reforms and the willingness to make better use of existing solutions, the strategies presented were rather different depending on the Member States: develop stricter rules, fight against the fraud, invest for a better quality of services, increase of the use of European funds, improve the accessibility, use of welfare technologies …

In relative “practical” terms, some propositions emerged from the discussion to improve the collaboration at the European level on the social services: strengthen the use of the Voluntary European Quality Framework for Social Services, create an European system/agency to collect and diffuse the good practices and innovation projects, develop a better common understanding of tools to measure social returns on investment and social value or design an European legal framework that respect the characteristics and the objectives of the social services.

Oh Mermaid, your song is so beautiful…but is it understandable ?

At first, I was afraid…

9 May

Debating Europe has asked this very topical question today, 9th of May Europe’s day :

Can the “European Social Model” survive? link

Some interesting reactions.  We will just post this “funny” answer this evening : maybe this model will survive. What could be Europe without ?

For the rest listen to Gloria’s lyrics or to the Cake’s version.